complimentary webconferencEhealth plan advisory council

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About This Webconference

The U.S. health insurance industry is by far one of the most complex in the world. Successful health plans must carefully balance the needs, preferences, and priorities of members, purchasers, and provider partners to ensure affordable and appropriate care for their covered populations.

This webconference will review the fundamentals of health plan strategy and operations, major legislation impacting plans, and the trends currently dominating the industry. We will also share unique approaches from leading health plans grappling with these key strategic challenges.

During this webconference you'll learn:

  • The various types of health plans
  • Trends shaping the present and future state of plans
  • The effect of key policy developments on plans

Thursday, September 6, 20183:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. ET

Understanding the Health Insurance Business:
Overview of Health Plans