complimentary webconferencEOncology Roundtable

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About This Webconference

In the coming years, the delivery and operations of cancer care will look very different from today. The cancer patient population will grow as the country ages, while also becoming more complex and more diverse. At the same time, program leaders need to prepare for value-based payment, growing use of technology and telehealth, and rapid evolution of targeted treatments and immunotherapy.

Join us to learn about the key market trends impacting cancer program strategy, and how your program needs to prepare.  

During this webconference you’ll learn how:

  • The cancer patient population is growing and changing 
  • Oncology payment is shifting to reward value
  • The world of precision medicine is rapidly changing and its impact on patients and providers 

Wednesday, January 23, 20193 p.m. - 4 p.m. ET

The 6 Trends That Will Reshape Cancer Care

Six Trends Impacting the Business and Delivery of Cancer Care