complimentary webconferencEPhilanthropy Leadership Council

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About This Webconference

Physicians can be some of the most effective and influential partners in the fundraising process, but many development professionals make assumptions about the best ways to engage doctors. In 2018, the Philanthropy Leadership Council sought to test these assumptions and clarify the best path forward based on direct input from physicians. 

In this webinar, we'll review the surprising and promising findings from our survey.

During this webconference you’ll learn:

  • How large an opportunity exists in physician-philanthropy partnerships 
  • The number one barrier to engaging doctors in grateful patient fundraising
  • What messaging motivates doctors to want to be more involved, and what messages we can let go 

Friday, February 22, 20191 p.m. - 2 p.m. ET

What 260 Doctors Really Think About Philanthropy