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About This Webconference

With countless headlines about massive price hikes on older drugs and new, high-cost specialty therapies accounting for an ever-growing portion of the drug development pipeline, rising drug costs are an issue that can’t be ignored.

Overall, health system spending on drugs is growing at 10-15% annually, just as providers are assuming greater responsibility for health care costs.

Join our team on October 24 from 3-4 p.m. ET to get answers to questions like:

  • Why are drug prices and health system drug spending rising so rapidly?
  • What is the future outlook for drug spending?
  • Which drug pricing policy reforms are likely to be viable and effective?
  • How can health system leaders help to manage rising drug costs?

Monday, October 24, 20163 p.m. - 4 p.m. ET

Best Practices for Managing Rising Drug Costs

Trends, policy proposals, and how health systems can respond