State of the union for physician executives

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 • 1-2 p.m. ET

About This Webinar

Even before the Covid-19 outbreak, physician executives across the country were grappling with myriad forces that threatened to upend traditional industry dynamics, including affordability pressures on all stakeholders, the evolution toward “managed consumerism,” primary care innovation at scale, and the adolescence of digital health. Now, Covid-19 is poised to accelerate these trends and create new financial challenges for providers.

This presentation provides an objective analysis of the impact of emerging trends on health system and medical group strategy including how Covid-19, politics, the private sector, and more are shaping the future of physician practice.

After this session, participants will:

  • Understand how the Covid-19 pandemic is reshaping health system and medical group strategy now and in the future
  • Articulate how players across the industry—including purchasers, providers, and technology firms—are beginning to respond to the market’s demand for affordability
  • Recognize the need for innovative cross-industry collaboration to deliver on the affordability mandate
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